At our teeth clinic Edmonton AB, we offer a wide variety of general dental services to patients of all ages. We provide preventive dental treatments to protect your teeth from cavities and periodontal disease. We also offer restorative treatments to repair your smile with crowns, bridges, dentures, or dental implants to replace missing teeth and restore chewing function. We offer cosmetic dental procedures like teeth whitening and porcelain veneers to give you the beautiful smile you deserve!
At our teeth clinic Edmonton AB, we can enhance your smile with a number of cosmetic dentistry treatments. We can restore your teeth with custom-made porcelain crowns and bridges. We can also repair your smile with tooth-colored fillings. In addition, we offer teeth whitening and other cosmetic procedures to give you the beautiful smile you deserve!
We can make over your smile by addressing any imperfections or concerns you have about your smile.
At our teeth clinic Edmonton AB, we provide a range of orthodontic services, including braces and Invisalign. Braces are the most common type of orthodontic treatment option for people. Brackets are bonded to each tooth, and a metal band is used to hold the archwire in place. Bands are cemented to the teeth with cement to prevent slippage. The archwire is bent by the dentist to move the teeth into proper alignment. Elastic bands are worn around each bracket to secure the archwire in place and adjust pressure as needed. A dentist will regularly provide cleanings to ensure plaque doesn’t build up around the brackets. In addition, the hygienist will provide fluoride treatments to harden enamel to reduce risk of cavities.
Invisalign is a popular alternative to braces that is removable for easy home care. Invisalign uses a series of clear aligners that fit over the upper and lower arches of the mouth. Each aligner is switched out every two weeks for the next aligner in the series. Patients wear their aligners for 20-22 hours per day to achieve optimal results within six to eighteen months. Both braces and Invisalign gradually move teeth into position without the need for metal wires or unsightly metal brackets that can irritate the gums and cause redness. Along with the cosmetic benefits of using Invisalign instead of traditional braces, patients also tend to experience less discomfort during treatment. The majority of people who undergo treatment with braces will experience some pain and discomfort during the first few days of each adjustment until the body adjusts to the new hardware. Most people who undergo Invisalign treatment report no pain at all during the procedure. Patients who choose Invisalign often report that it is much easier to brush and floss their teeth as well without having to work around metal brackets and wires. Whether a patient chooses Invisalign or braces, the teeth clinic Edmonton AB will be able to recommend the best treatment option based on their needs and lifestyle.
To learn more about teeth clinic Edmonton AB, call us and book an appointment.
4224 Gateway Blvd NW,
Edmonton, AB , Canada T6J 7K1
MON10:00 am - 6:00 pm
TUE8:00 am - 6:00 pm
WED - FRI8:00 am - 4:30 pm
SAT8:00 am - 3:00 pm